All services provided by Box RDP may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States federal, state or city law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material we judge to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statute. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Box RDP from any claims resulting from the use of service which damages the subscriber or any other party.
Prohibited are sites that promote any illegal activity or present content that may be damaging to Box RDP ' servers, or any other server on the Internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited.
Examples of unacceptable content or links:
1 - Hacking programs or archives.
2 - Port scanning
3 - DoS Attacks
4 - Child Porn
5 - E-Mail Spamming
6 - Attacking other servers or networks
Server Abuse
Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Box RDP is strictly prohibited. As our customer you are responsible for all your accounts. Should you violate the Terms of Services outlined within, your account will be cancelled without chance of refund.
Refusal of Service
We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or suspend service, at our sole discretion. All sub-networks, distributive hosting sites and dedicated servers of Box RDP must adhere to the above policies, with the exception of system resources in respect to dedicated servers.
Account Deactivations
Any account deactivated due to non-payment may require a reactivation fee of $20.00 prior to reactivation.
Cancellation Refunds
We DO NOT refund partial monthly fees to accounts. We require 10 days notice for a cancellation.
Violations of these Acceptable Use Policies should be referred to All complaints will be investigated promptly. Failure to follow any term or condition will be grounds for immediate account deactivation.